Magical Mendip Hills

Sandwich is tiny, but as we all know, good things come in small packages! It’s hard to believe that it used to be one of the four biggest towns in England. It is so quaint and still looks medieval. I guess you could thus say it looks quite modern seeing the Saxons had it up and running in 600AD. To be honest though, the Romans were probably their first having landed very close by earlier on. Later, it was given to some monks. Aside from me, other impressive visitors have been: Thomas a Becket and Richard The Lionheart. It was mentioned in The Doomsday Book and yes, sandwiches were invented there.

Went to Todd’s zoo and played with animals in the morning though with the weather so horrid, we were limited. Animals don’t like the cold rain. And why would you? Especially if you come from down south like most of them do(I know how they feel!)
Off then to Somerset to see Judy and the wonderful team at The Manor House. Lovely, lovely people and gorgeous, gorgeous country. The following day I was given the wonderful opportunity to ride Susie’s mare across the Mendip Hills. You can see right across to the mythical Glastonbury Tor. This is the place of legends. Pagans, Druids, Avalon, sacred initiations, Jesus, hidden sacred texts, The Holy Grail, King Arthur, high energy vortexes. The list is endless. One thing is certain though, it is a place like no other! It’s calming me down after the craziness of my London move!
Tip/lesson of the day: The journey inward is more important than any outward journey (thanks Susie for the reminder!) oh….and watch Avatar!!!
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So Long And Thanks For All The Fish ….or spinach in my case!

Well. This is it. The day I really wasn’t sure would arrive is here. Fare thee well London Town. Ok…so I’ll be back in June for a little while, but really only as a visitor. My time as a Londoner finishes today. I’m not sure it has sunk in yet. I’ve successfully kept myself manically busy. That’s always a good distraction from what’s really going on! The weather is grey and miserable. Perhaps fitting for a farewell. This is as London as it gets!

Well the removalists have moved 23 (yes TWENTY THREE!!!!) boxes, approx 5 big wheelie bins are full and the car is weighed down. Where of where does all this “stuff” come from????? Is it necessary? Would it be better not to have it? Probably. I think everyone should either move or pretend to move every few years. Review life and clear out the old. Creates space for the new to come into your life. So, although farewells are sad, you can’t have new beginnings without them. Keep what’s important and detach from that which isn’t. Learn your lessons from the events in your life but then leave the events behind and continue forward with your new wisdom.
The journey home (Oooo…I feel like I’m living out The Alchemist!) begins in Sandwich. Dinner with Todd and Kirk tonight then fun at the zoo in the morning. Bring on the adventure!
Blessings all XXX
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Don’t Fight The Waves

If you’re in the ocean and being battered a bit by waves, it’s always better just to float around on them rather than try to fight the current (I know, I know…the knowledge one gains growing up in Aus!!). Go with the flow not only works in water, but in life. Don’t fight the bad bits but just bob around knowing that if you just hang tight, they’ll pass by and you’ll be in smoother waters in no time. Now, for a control lover like me, that’s not always easy. But time and time again it’s shown to me that if I release my grip and stop being a know-all, trust the flow of the universe and breathe, everything will be just fine. “This too will pass”. Thanks to Mr Persian Sufi Poet for coming up with that one!

Today I woke up feeling sick and panicy. So, instead of chilling, I freak, panic, wonder how I’ll get anything done and convince myself I won’t. What happens then? My day was like swimming through wet sand. It took me until this afternoon to loosen my grip. And what happened? Well…of course everything that needed to be done was done. All is well. See?!!? Why bother wasting your energy on standing still and worrying. Just flow and plod gently away.
Tip of the day: try to find a chiro who doesn’t crack you about and also does kinesiology. I found one this evening. I felt like I had died, gone to heaven and returned to a new body. I couldn’t even remember where I’d parked my car. AMAZING. I was so twisted (which I kind of thought I was) , but this is the first time in my life that I felt my body completely realign. Soooo blessed. Thank you!
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No Judgement….

I’ve always lived by this but everyday events happen that confirm its relevance. Never Judge People. People are all here on the planet living their own life, having their own experience and people are basically doing the best that they can. It’s easy to look at people from a distance and put them down or make some kind of judgement on them when you don’t even know them! We all tend to do it, especially with celebrities or people we don’t seem to resonate with. I’ve been guilty of it but if you’re really honest with yourself, you realise it’s your own insecurities or lack of direction that make you do it. That and the fact that you’re not on your path. If you line yourself up to undertake your passion, the whole universe lines up with you. You become so mesmerised by your journey and so secure in the flow of what you’re doing, it’s almost impossible to judge others and their path. All your energy is directed into your bliss and there’s none left to be wasting on having a dig at others. Obviously you may have direct contact with a person and feel they don’t resonate with you, but that’s all it is. It doesn’t mean you can’t follow your path or they can’t follow theirs. I think if everyone did that…worried about themselves and not stick their nose into other’s business and judge them, the world would be a better place because we wouldn’t have such a negative vibe and our lives wouldn’t be a big “competition” with others. We’re all on this little planet and we’re all in it together. Let’s instead honour and support each other on our individual journeys of discovery rather than waste our energy on low vibrating, negative actions and thoughts.

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A Messy Clean Up

How come, when you clean up you always get into a bigger mess first? And who would have thought you could fit so much rubbish into such a little flat? And that’s only one room I’ve done so far. It’s only taken me half a day. Part of me just wants to say sod it and just walk out with a suitcase and leave it all to someone else. But that wouldn’t be nice now, would it?! Travel plans are still in a dither. Firstly because I don’t feel like booking anything until this whole volcano debacle has calmed down, and secondly because I have no idea where to start! I think that I’ll definitely go to Mongolia horse trekking in June, but trying to organise the Middle East before that is no mean feat. Anyone with any great travel ideas?? I’ll apply for my new passport tomorrow (have run out of pages!). Probably a good thing to get sorted before I plan any trips at all!

Also…found these guys down at Greenwich Markets yesterday. Their clothes rock! Plus, they’re the loveliest couple ever! Check out their website:
Blessings to all….X
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New Beginnings?

Wow. I could say that the journey has just begun, but we all know that it’s just a continuation. It always is and always will be. Another big change. Another era in life. It’s all very exciting but the newness of my change has left me a tad wobbly too. I can feel that subsiding though and excitement builds daily. Still have lots to do and lots of planning to attend to before leaving England’s green lands. I feel like I’m putting a lot of effort into organising myself but the results seem illusive. Just keep on plodding away I guess. Persistence is the key. That I do know! The computer has kept in in its hypnotic gaze enough for today. Time to go and partake in the world for a while.

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