It’s been a while. Perhaps it should be longer because as they say, if you can’t improve on silence, you shouldn’t speak. My excuse is that I’m writing not speaking. Anyway, here’s my attempt to improve on silence. You be the judge.
Use your emotions as guides What depresses you and makes you heavy? What makes you feel light and makes your heat soar? What makes you sad? What makes you fly? And no, the answer I’m looking for doesn’t entail drugs!
Listen very very carefully to your emotions and feelings. Follow these “markers” closely and you will follow your heart, find your path and undertake your bliss. If something instantaneously sees you overwhelmed with joy, take special note of it. And vice versa, if something makes you feel sick, pay attention. It could be a sign that you are on the wrong track or just a reminder of what you desire. A contrast with which to compare, if you will.
However, don’t become addicted to the good or the bad. Detachment is very important. Your emotions are your “way markers” but they are not you. They move you to action. Situations, according to your perception can jump from bad to good to bad to good in an instant. Stay connected to those feelings and you risk riding a very wild roller coaster. Instead, try and observe them from a distance and try not to get involved with them. I’m the first to acknowledge that this is not easy. You may think that this will make you cold, unfeeling and aloof. I believe the opposite. It will actually lead you to have deeper more meaningful experiences. You will be calm and grounded, allowing you to see the situation in full. Like looking at it through wide-angle and not with blinkers on. Respect and show gratitude for every situation. See the lesson, see how you can grow from it and experience it fully.
Remember always that you are forever fully submerged in love. Feel the deep warmth of it even when it’s hard to do so. Know that each experience links up and leads you further up the ladder of enlightenment.
Don’t think I’m being a spoilt sport though. Having crazy fun is important too, but take it for what it is. Don’t over face it and place on it responsibilities that it cannot deliver. Enjoy it for the moment and treasure its memory. Another experience will be waiting for you just around the corner.